San Miguel is staffed with a full-time nurse.
Please inform the teacher of any chronic medical condition (asthma, diabetes, seizures, severe allergies, etc.) your child may have.
For the good of the entire school community, only well children should come to school. When a child is not feeling well, he/she is not able to learn and may spread his/her illness to others in the class. Our staff is committed to maintaining a healthy classroom environment. Deciding if a sick child should be sent to school or kept home can be difficult. These guidelines will make decisions easier.
Students should be kept home if during the night or early morning they have:
- Fever: temperature of 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. If the fever does not resolve in 3 days, or if your child appears sick with any fever, call your doctor to have your child evaluated.
- Vomiting: two or more times in the past 24 hours
- Diarrhea: two or more loose, watery stools that cannot be contained or has blood/mucous in it.
- Skin: any unknown, undiagnosed rash especially associated with fever. Skin sores that are oozing or have drainage that cannot be contained in a dressing.
- Breathing: wheezing, difficulty breathing, and/or cough producing green mucous or other signs of serious illness.
- Eyes: red eyes with clear, white or yellow drainage or wakes up with eyes "glued" shut.
- Ears: complains of ear pain with or without fever.
- Other Symptoms: fatigue and illness that will inhibit your child’s ability to participate in school.
- Sore Throat: especially with fever or swollen glands in the neck.
- Lice: Active, adult head lice (BP 5141.33a).
Students can return to school when:
- Fever: Children must be “fever-free” for 24 hours before returning to school (without fever reducing medication such as Tylenol, Motrin, etc.).
- Vomiting: Vomit-free for at least 12-24 hours.
- Diarrhea: Diarrhea-free for at least 12-24 hours.
- Skin/Eye Rashi/Infection: A doctor's note is required for your child to return to school.
- Lice: Free of active, adult head lice.